Upcoming Carbone v5

Check out what's coming in Carbone v5

Page updated on January 21, 2025.
Estimated final release date: Mid-March, 2025.

Where to test it?

Studio - Design Assistant

Historically, Carbone had two different "studios":

We have been working for about a year to unify everything and offer the same tool for Cloud, On-Premise, and even within your application with an embedded solution.

The new studio is composed of two parts (two pages):

Here are all the new features of the Designer Assistant:

Stop wasting time scrolling through your document between each preview
Stop wasting time scrolling through your document between each preview!
The studio keeps the scroll position and zoom level between live previews.
You can also resize the preview/data panels.
Stop searching for errors in your template
Stop searching for errors in your template, the studio shows you exactly where they are!
Carbone v5 detects more syntax errors than v4.
Coming soon: Our integrated AI will offer solutions to your errors.
Reduce typing errors by clicking on your data to copy the Carbone tags.
Reduce typing errors by clicking on your data to copy the Carbone tags.
Then, paste them into your template.
Placeholder images are automatically generated.
Speed up your tag customization with our fast, smart auto-completion.
Speed up your tag customization with our fast, smart auto-completion.
The auto-completion can even search for attributes in your data sample.
The clipboard is always updated and "ready to paste"
Live reload of the template now works in Safari and Firefox with template drag and drop
Live reload of the template now works in Safari and Firefox with template drag and drop.

Studio - Template manager

This feature is hidden during the Beta phase. View our roadmap.

View and manage your templates with an enhanced user interface.
View and manage your templates with an enhanced user interface.

Studio - Embedded

Embed Carbone Studio directly in your application!

From the software editor's perspective:

From the user's perspective:

From the developer's perspective:

Important notes and consideration during the beta phase:

1. Load the web component file

  <script src="/carbone-studio.js"></script>
    carbone-studio {

2. Start the studio

// Instantiate the Web component
const studio = document.createElement('carbone-studio');
// Or insert `<carbone-studio></carbone-studio>` directly in the DOM.
// Add the studio component to the DOM
// Configure the studio
  origin : 'https://api.carbone.io/', // Defaults to `window.location.origin`
  token  : '',                        // Provide a JWT Token if authentication is enabled on your On-premise instance

const templateFile = {
  // The studio will automatically call `URL_ORIGIN/template/:templateId` to download the template
  templateId : '424242424242424242424242424',
  // Extension is used for the user interface and may change in the future
  extension  : 'docx' 
// Pre-initialize the studio with data, language, etc.
const options = {
  data           : {},
  complement     : {},
  enum           : {},
  translations   : {},
  lang           : 'fr-fr',         // Defaults to browser language
  timezone       : 'Europe/Paris',  // Defaults to browser language
  currencySource : 'EUR',           // Defaults to browser language
  currencyTarget : null
// Open the template in the studio
studio.openTemplate(templateFile, options);

URLs called by the studio:

More options for request hooks are coming soon; we look forward to your feedback!

3. Listen events

  studio.addEventListener('options:updated', optionsUpdated);
  studio.addEventListener('template:updated', templateUpdated);
  function optionsUpdated(e) {
    // {
    //   "data": {}
    // }
  function templateUpdated(e) {
    // {
    //   "templateId": "424242424242424242424242424",
    //   "extension": "docx"
    // }

Document converters

Carbone merges data with templates, but the document conversion (e.g., DOCX to PDF) has traditionally been handled by a single external tool, LibreOffice.

Even though we financially support the LibreOffice foundation every year, we have a deep knowledge of LibreOffice's technical limitations. This is why we wanted to lift this constraint and offer more flexibility.

Now, you can choose from 4 different document converters, all managed directly by Carbone.

Converter Performance Precision Custom PDF Features Availability
LibreOffice (default) - Best for ODT/ODS/ODP/ODG to PDF ++++ Yes
OnlyOffice +++ Best for DOCX/XLSX/PPTX to PDF + Yes
Chrome ++ Best for HTML to PDF - Feb-25
Carbone Ice +++++ Best for simple DOCX to PDF + Q4 2025

Carbone Ice is our own converter for specific use cases where very high performance is required.
We may stop working on this solution if OnlyOffice or LibreOffice become as fast as our solution 😛.

Converter selection

    // L : LibreOffice
    // O : OnlyOffice
    // I : Carbone Ice
    // C : Chrome
    "converter" : "L",
    "convertTo" : "pdf",
    "data"      : {}   
converter selection
Choose your document converter

Fast Round Robin Conversion Queue

Internally, Carbone balances conversion jobs across multiple threads.

It ensures that only N (params.factories) jobs are executed in parallel, regardless of the number of converters.

This feature also introduces a new "two-level" priority system for job conversion. All tasks are guaranteed to be executed, and high-priority tasks will not starve low-priority tasks. More details will be provided later.

Simplified deployement

Carbone is compatible with the default installation of these external converters.

However, in a server environment, you likely want secure, compact software with minimal dependencies for your servers or Docker images.

That’s why we provides pre-built binaries on our own CDN (bin.carbone.io), offering optimized and compact versions of all these tools: LibreOffice, OnlyOffice, and Chrome, for multiple architectures (ARM, x64).

Several new Docker images are available as examples. You can use any of them or use our Dockerfile as a template to build your own.

On-Premise Configuration

By default, Carbone On-Premise starts with LibreOffice.

To activate the OnlyOffice converter, install OnlyOffice Desktop on your Mac or use our Debian package (Linux):

Then, configure Carbone as follows:

  factories       : 4,      // = nb CPUs
  libreOfficePath : 'auto', // = env CARBONE_EE_LIBRE_OFFICE_PATH
  onlyOfficePath  : 'auto'  // = env CARBONE_EE_ONLY_OFFICE_PATH

Other options will be documented soon.


One of our main development principles is to make each new version faster than the previous one. Carbone v5 marks an important milestone with documents that can be generated up to 10 times faster compared to Carbone v4.

Document generation

Opening templates and saving generated documents can account for 35% of Carbone's internal resource consumption, excluding the time spent on document conversion. We achieved a 4x improvement in template opening speed and a 2x improvement in saving the generated document. Overall, this results in a 2x performance gain on a 15MB PPTX template (without PDF conversion) between Carbone v4 and Carbone v5:

Performance gain
Document generation time (ms): Carbone v4 vs v5 for a complex 15MB PPTX template (lower is better).

Converter speed

Carbone v5 supports multiple document converters (see the previous section above). OnlyOffice can be used as a replacement for LibreOffice, and here are our benchmarks for converting a large and complex 200-page DOCX file to PDF:

Converter performance for big file
DOCX to PDF conversion time (s): LibreOffice vs OnlyOffice for a large and complex 200-page file (lower is better).

OnlyOffice may be slightly slower for small documents (due to a higher cold start compared to LibreOffice), but we will optimize this before the final release of Carbone v5.

Template Engine

All prerelease features delivered in v4 with optional flags {o.preReleaseFeatureIn=4022011} are now activated by default for all templates.

This new v5 engine is more stable and handles more complex use cases compared to v4, while maintaining backward compatibility with v4.

Here are the major improvements:

CLI + Env Variables

The CLI has been completely rewritten for greater clarity and ease of use when starting and deploying.

New interactive tools to generate key pairs, generate tokens, and verify tokens

API Template List + Constant ID

We know that many of you are waiting for:

This feature will be made public for Carbone On-Premise as soon as it is in production for the Cloud Edition in March 2025. View our roadmap. Why? Once it runs at scale on our Cloud architecture, it will work for your On-Premise environment as well.

We are working hard to keep things simple and ensure easy deployment on any architecture (Servers, OpenStack, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Azure, and GCP, with or without a private network).

Our promise is to maintain a single and simple Carbone binary that is just as easy to deploy on one machine or across multiple machines.

For the curious, Carbone v5 will embed an SQLite database and a NATS messaging system. Both are self-managed by Carbone. Object storage is still recommended for storing templates when deploying Carbone on multiple servers.


Carbone v5 will remain in beta until the mid-March 2025.

Some parts are stable, while others are hidden and will be delivered later. To make things clear, here is our roadmap:

Oct-2024 Janv-2024 March-2025
HTTP API v5 (same scope as v4) Stable Stable Stable
Carbone template engine Stable Stable Stable
LibreOffice v24.8 converter Stable Stable Stable
OnlyOffice v8.1 converter Beta Stable Stable
Processing XLSX Templates (code rework in progress) Beta Stable Stable
Processing HTML/XML Templates (code rework in progress) Beta Stable Stable
Studio - Designer assistant Alpha Beta Stable
Studio - Embedded Alpha Beta Stable
Studio Viewer HTML/XML Alpha
(Not Public)
Beta Stable
Template manager/versioning/constant ID (Studio + HTTP API) Alpha
(Not Public)
(Not Public)
On-Premise Plugins/Middlewares (breaking changes) Alpha
(Not Public)
(Not Public)
(Breaking Changes)
Chrome converter Alpha
(Not Public)
Beta Stable
AI Template generator Experimental Beta Stable
AI Assistant Experimental
(Not Public)
Beta Stable
PDF Comparison (Visual and Text Differences) Experimental
(Not Public)
(Not Public)

Known bugs/limitations

Missing feature or known bug compared to On-Premise v4 Studio:

Migration Recommendation


No breaking changes.

Important notes: GET /render/<idRender> now returns the correct HTTP header Content-Disposition:

GET /render/:idRender GET /render/:idRender?download=true
Carbone v4 Content-Disposition filename=file.pdf attachment; filename=file.pdf
Carbone v5 Content-Disposition inline; filename=file.pdf attachment; filename=file.pdf


On-Premise plugins


We always recommend testing your templates before migrating to v5.

  1. The Carbone v5 template engine is backward compatible with templates made for previous Carbone versions.
    Despite our thousands of tests, there is always a slight chance of a regression.
    Please contact us as soon as you encounter any issues.

  2. The main impact often comes from the version of the converter, LibreOffice.
    If you use Carbone On-Premise, you can still use an older version of LibreOffice with Carbone v5.
    The Cloud Edition (API v5) uses the latest LibreOffice version (24.8), while Carbone Cloud v4 uses LibreOffice 7.5.
    Therefore, document conversion may vary when switching from v4 to v5 (especially for DOCX to PDF). This is an opportunity to try the alternative converter OnlyOffice, which performs almost pixel-perfect DOCX-to-PDF conversions.

    We have extensive experience solving these problems, so feel free to contact us if you need help. For example, there are two DOCX features that are not well supported by the LibreOffice converter, even in the latest version (24.8):

    • Sections
    • The "Text Wrapping -> Arround" option for tables, charts, etc. (see figure below). We have created an issue.
Converter performance for big file
In your template, avoid using the "Text Wrapping -> Arround" option for tables, charts, or images, as LibreOffice converter has many bugs related to this feature.