
Getting started with Carbone Cloud / On-Premise HTTP API


The HTTP API documentation is the same for both Carbone Cloud and Carbone On-Premise.

Using the API is the best solution to scale and generate reports from any applications, services, or languages.
To test the API quickly, go to the quickstart guide

To test the Cloud API in a few minutes, load a pre-made API specification into:


Carbone Cloud:

Carbone On-Premise:

By default, the authentication is disabled and the API is accessible as soon as the service is started.


The API token must be passed for all APIs:

  "authorization": "Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN",

All API endpoints are protected by authentication except GET /render/:renderId and GET /status.

Reasons why GET /render/:renderId is not protected:

For on premise deployment, authentification is disable by default. To unable it, please follow this documentation.

API Flow

To generate a document, you have to:

  1. Upload a template to get a template ID. The template is stored in the template storage.
  2. Generate a report from the template ID and a JSON dataset, then the request returns a unique usable render ID.
  3. Download the report thanks to the render ID.
  4. To get a new document, repeat the process from point 2.

Test the API with Carbone Cloud API quickstart

Template ID

The Template ID is predictable and idempotent SHA256 hash, computed from the template content in hexadecimal. NodeJS example:

const crypto = require('crypto');

const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256')

Template storage

Templates are your documents' base design. It will include static and dynamic content thanks to Carbone tags {d.value}. The Cloud subscription gives access to a storage space to store all your templates and identify them with a template ID.

For Carbone Cloud, the template storage retention behave differently based on the API key:

Learn more about your template storage on the help center.

Report storage

When a document is generated thanks to a template ID and a JSON dataset, a render ID is provided to download a file. The document and URL are available for one hour, and can be downloaded one time.

They are deleted automatically when:

To get the same document, you must generate a new document and get a new render ID.

API Domain

The Carbone API base URL is

API Timeout

The rendering timeout default value is 60 seconds, and it may throw if the report contains:

If a timeout is thrown, consider using asynchronous rendering with webhooks, asynchronous rendering is 5 minutes.
If a generation is longer than 5 minutes, contact the support.

API Webhook

An asynchronous rendering is available, Carbone will notify your application/service at a custom URL as soon as the document is generated. For webhooks, the rendering timeout default value is 5 minutes. To enable it:

API Version

Only for Carbone Cloud

By default, HTTP requests target the latest version of the Cloud API. It is recommended to specify an API version by providing the HTTP header carbone-version, such as: { "carbone-version": 4 }. Supported values:

Only a major version can be specified, and it will include all upcoming minor versions or patches.


const request = require('request');
const fs      = require('fs');

const bearerToken = 'YOUR_TOKEN'
const templateId  = 'YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID';

  url : '' + templatedId,
  headers : {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + bearerToken,
    'carbone-version' : '4'
}, (err, response, body) => {
  // Handle error
  // Body contains a response