Rust SDK
Generate report with Rust
Rust SDK to generate reports through the Carbone Cloud API in few lines of codes.
The source code is available on Github: https://github.com/carboneio/carbone-sdk-rust
carbone-sdk-rust = "1.0.0"
Try the following code to render a report in 10 seconds. Just insert your API key, the template ID you want to render, and the JSON data-set as string. Get your API key on your Carbone account: https://account.carbone.io/.
use std::env;
use carbone_sdk_rust::config::Config;
use carbone_sdk_rust::carbone::Carbone;
use carbone_sdk_rust::types::{ApiJsonToken, JsonData};
use carbone_sdk_rust::template::TemplateId;
use carbone_sdk_rust::errors::CarboneError;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write
async fn main() -> Result<(), CarboneError> {
let token = "Token";
let config: Config = Default::default();
let api_token = ApiJsonToken::new(token.to_string())?;
let json_data_value = String::from(r#"
"data" : {
"firstname" : "John",
"lastname" : "Wick"
"convertTo" : "odt"
let json_data = JsonData::new(json_data_value)?;
let template_id = TemplateId::new("YourTemplateId".to_string())?;
let carbone = Carbone::new(&config, Some(&api_token))?;
let report_content = match carbone.generate_report_with_template_id(template_id, json_data).await {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => panic!("{}", e.to_string())
let mut output_file = File::create("report.pdf").expect("Failed to create file");
if let Err(e) = output_file.write_all(&report_content) {
eprintln!("Failed to write to file: {:?}", e);
SDK Constructor
Example of a new SDK instance for Carbone Cloud: Get your API key on your Carbone account: https://account.carbone.io/.
// For Carbone Cloud, provide your API Access Token as first argument:
let token = "Token";
let config: Config = Default::default();
let api_token = ApiJsonToken::new(token.to_string())?;
let carbone = Carbone::new(&config, Some(&api_token))?;
Example of a new SDK instance for Carbone On-premise or Carbone On-AWS:
// Define the URL of your Carbone On-premise Server or AWS EC2 URL:
let config: Config = Config::new("ON_PREMISE_URL".to_string(), "api_time_out_in_sec_in_u64", ApiVersion::new("4".to_string()).expect("REASON")).expect("REASON");
let carbone = Carbone::new(&config, None)?;
Generate and Download Document
Generate a document from a local template file:
pub async fn generate_report( &self, template_name: String, template_data: Vec<u8>, json_data: JsonData, payload: Option<&str>, salt: Option<&str>);
Arguments details:
- template_name: filename of the template.
- template_data: The content of the file in Vec
. - json_data: A stringified JSON containing the data to populate the template.
Or, Generate a document from a template ID:
pub async fn pub async fn generate_report_with_template_id( &self, template_id: TemplateId, json_data: JsonData);
Argument details:
- template_id: Template ID (Manage your templates on Carbone Studio)
- json_data: A stringified JSON containing the data to populate the template.
Add Template
pub async fn upload_template(&self,file_name: &str,file_content: Vec<u8>,salt: Option<&str>);
Add a template as file-content Vec
Delete Template
pub async fn delete_template(&self, template_id: TemplateId);
Delete a template by providing a template ID as template_id, and it returns whether the request succeeded as a Boolean.