Self-hosted deployment
Deploy on Azure
Generate and manage your reports inside your own Azure environnement using Container Apps
Deploying Carbone in an Azure Container Apps environment is a very simple and effective way of implementing high-performance document generation while respecting your security and operation processes.
You can use Carbone Community feature for free without licence. To use Carbone Enterprise Edition on Azure, you need a Carbone license. Talk to us to find out more.
Create Azure storage for persistent data
1. Create Storage accounts for Carbone
Go to Storage accounts section in Azure portal and click on Create
Then set storage name, following carbonestorage
, click on Review + create
and Create
2. Create Template and Render containers
When the Storage Account creation is finalized, you can create 2 containers.
Click on Create
in Data storage / Containers section :
Then, create 2 containers : templates
and renders
3. Get credentials
Finally, you need to get Storage Account Name
and Account key
form Azure portail. Go to Security + Network / Access Key settings.
Keep these two values for the next step.
Create Carbone service
Go to Container Apps portail, and Create new Container App
Create container carbone
with following configuration.
- Container app name : carbone
- Image source : Docker Hub
- Image tag :
- CPU and Memory : 1vCPU, 2Gi memory
- Environnement variable :
with you license to enable Enterprise featuresCARBONE_USE_AZURE_PLUGIN
with Storage Account,carbonestorage
in this exampleAZURE_STORAGE_KEY
with key from previous stepCONTAINER_TEMPLATES
template storage container nameCONTAINER_RENDERS
template storage container name
For test simple setup, enable full access and set port to 4000
Enjoy Carbone
Your service is then available via the url of your Container App
Template and Render storage
As indicated in the quick start section, we recommend that you configure the Azure Blob Storage plugin to store rendering templates.
To do this, set the CARBONE_USE_AZURE_PLUGIN
environment variable to true
, then configure the variables below.
Azure Blob Storage Configuration
: Storage Account NameAZURE_STORAGE_KEY
: Templates Storage NameCONTAINER_RENDERS
: Renders Storage Name
Enable Studio
to true
to enable Carbone Studio on your instance.
To enable API authentification, you need to follow these steps :
to true
- Generate private/public Carbone Key
The key generation tool is included in the docker image from Carbone version 5 onwards.
docker run -it --platform "linux/amd64" carbone/carbone-ee:slim-5.0.0-beta.0 generate-keys
The two keys will be generated and displayed in the console.
Conservez le contenu de la clé privé de manière sécurisé. Pour la clé publique, nous vous recommandons de la stocker dans le Key vaults
Azure puis de monter ce secret sur vos containers Carbone sur le fichier /app/config/
- Generate JWT token
Follow interactive shell :
docker run -it --platform "linux/amd64" carbone/carbone-ee:slim-5.0.0-beta.0 generate-token
## Paste in terminal content of key.pem
A JWT token is then displayed in the console. You can then use it in your API calls.
Terraform sample deployement
Carbone autoscaling deployment with secret storage
A complete terraform deployment example is available.