Download Generated Reports
Get your awesome documents with this simple HTTP API
Download the generated report
Endpoint to retreive a generated document from a render ID
, a unique identifier for rendered files.
Authentification header is not needed to call this API.
Response header
The Content-Disposition
can be changed to "attachment;" if the query parameter ?download=true
is added when calling the endpoint.
// mime-type
"Content-Type" : "application/pdf",
// Content-disposition with filename
"Content-Disposition" : "inline; filename="url-encoded-report-name.docx""
Response body
The report is deleted as soon as this endpoint is called
A second call with the same renderId always returns a 404 Error
A second call with the same renderId always returns a 404 Error
On success, the file is returned.
On error, a JSON is returned with details of the problem.
Status Code | Body | |
200 | File stream | |
400 | { "success" : false, "error" : "Invalid renderId"} |
404 | { "success" : false, "error" : "File not found"} |
Curl Example
The command downloads the generated report into the file "FILENAME.pdf".
If an error occurs (status 4XX or 5XX), the error is also saved into the file. Each render ID can be downloaded only one time.
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'carbone-version: 4' \
-o 'FILENAME.pdf'