Generate report with PHP

PHP SDK to generate documents (PDF DOCX ODT XLSX ODS XML ...) through the Carbone Cloud API

The source code is available on Github: https://github.com/carboneio/carbone-sdk-php


composer require carboneio/carbone-sdk-php


Start creating a new instance of the Carbone class and provide your private API key. Get your API key on your Carbone account: https://account.carbone.io/.

use Carboneio\SDK\Carbone;

$carbone = new Carbone('YOUR_API_KEY');

To use this SDK with Carbone on premise :

use Carboneio\SDK\Carbone;

$carbone = new Carbone('YOUR_API_KEY', 'https://your_carbone_URL');

Generate a report

You can generate a document using the render method. This method takes the template Id and the data as parameters. A render ID is returned and must be used to download the generated document.

$response = $carbone->renders()->render($templateId, $data);

$renderId = $response->getRenderId();

Example to render a template

Upload a template

You can upload a template to Carbone using the upload method. This method takes the content of the template as base64. The method returns a template ID used to render a template.

$response = $carbone->templates()->upload($contentBase64);

$templateId = $response->getTemplateId();

Example to upload a template

Download reports

You can download a rendered template using the download method. This method takes the render ID as a parameter.

$response = $carbone->renders()->download($renderId);

// Save the contents of the file yourself on your filesystem
$content = $response->getContent();

Example to download a rendered document

Delete a template

You can delete a template using the delete method. This method takes the template Id as a parameter.

$response = $carbone->templates()->delete($templateId);

Example to delete a template

Download a template

You can download a template using the download method. This method takes the template Id as a parameter.

$response = $carbone->templates()->download($templateId);

Example to download a template

Add custom headers

Set custom headers, such as "carbone-version" to select a specific Carbone version. By default, the SDK request the version 4 of Carbone.

  "carbone-version" => 4,
  /** Uncomment to delete automatically templates after a specific time */
  // "carbone-template-delete-after" => 86400 // 86400s = 1 day

Get API Status

$response = $carbone->getStatus();
$json = $response->json();

echo "Status : " . $response->status() . "\n";
echo "Success: " . $json['success'] . "\n";
echo "Version: " . $json['version'] . "\n";
echo "Message: " . $json['message'] . "\n";