On-Premise installation

Deploy on MacOS

Learn how to install on MacOS manually

To use Carbone Enterprise Edition on MacOS, you need a Carbone license. Talk to us to find out more.

You can use Carbone via Docker on your MacOS machine. To do so, go to the Deploy with Docker.

This documentation explains how to run the application directly on MacOS.


  1. Download the license and the Carbone On-premise binary for MacOS. Binary is available on your account

  2. On your terminal run chmod +x carbone-ee in order to execute the binary.

  3. Authorize binary execution

    xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine carbone-ee
  4. Install LibreOffice Link to instructions.

  5. Start Carbone web server. It is possible to pass options to Carbone On-Premise through the CLI:

    export CARBONE_EE_LICENSE="xxxxxxx"
    ./carbone-ee webserver --studio

Install Libreoffice

To install Libreoffice, follow the LibreOffice documentation.