How to add conditions to your templates?
Available for:
Carbone Cloud
Carbone On-premise
Embedded Carbone JS
There are 3 methods to write conditions:
- Inline conditions: to print a word or a small sentence according to your data
- Conditional blocks: to hide or show a part of your document, including multiple Carbone tags, paragraph, tables
- Smart conditional blocks: simplified method to show or hide a row, table, paragraph, image
Each condition is precede by a formatter that do the logicial test (equal, greater than, ...). Here is the list of all logical operator.
Logicial operators:
- ifEQ (value) : Matches values that are equal to a specified value, it replaces
- ifNE (value) : Matches all values that are not equal to a specified value
- ifGT (value) : Matches values that are greater than a specified value.
- ifGTE (value) : Matches values that are greater than or equal to a specified value.
- ifLT (value) : Matches values that are less than a specified value.
- ifLTE (value) : Matches values that are less than or equal to a specified value.
- ifIN (value) : Matches any of the values specified in an array or string, it replaces
- ifNIN (value) : Matches none of the values specified in an array or string
- ifEM () : Matches empty values, string, arrays or objects, it replaces
- ifNEM () : Matches not empty values, string, arrays or objects
- ifTE (value) : Matches values where the type equals a specified value
- and (value) : AND operator between two consecutive conditional formatters
- or (value) : (default) OR operator between two consecutive conditional formatters
Followed by one of these formatters:
- drop (element) / keep (element) : drop or keep some elements automatically if condition is true.
- hideBegin / hideEnd : hide any part of the document between hideBegin and hideEnd if condition is true
- showBegin / showEnd : show any part of the document between showBegin and showEnd if condition is true
- show (message) : print a message if a condition is true
- elseShow (message) : print a message if a condition is false
No formatters can be chained after drop
, keep
, hideBegin
, hideEnd
, showBegin
, showEnd
Basic example
"val2" : 2,
"val5" : 5
val2 = {d.val2:ifGT(3):show('high')}val2 = {d.val2:ifGT(3):show('high'):elseShow('low')}val5 = {d.val5:ifGT(3):show('high')}
val2 = 2val2 = lowval5 = high
Chain of conditions
If a condition is true, the result isn't passed on to the next conditional formatter (ifEQ
, show
, elseShow
, etc.).
The value of show
or elseShow
is passed directly to the next non-conditional formatter (formatN
, formatD
, etc.)
To clearly see how this works, let's explore how to write a switch-case condition.
Multiple variables
It is possible to test multiple variables with logical operators and and or:
"val2" : 2,
"val5" : 5
and = {d.val2:ifEQ(1):and(.val5):ifEQ(5):show(OK):elseShow(KO)}or = {d.val2:ifEQ(1):or(.val5):ifEQ(5):show(OK):elseShow(KO)}
and = KOor = OK
The parentheses/priority between logical operators are based on the position of the formatter. Here is the internal representation of the condition for a given Carbone tag:
is equivalent to this:
(((A = 1) AND (B = 2)) OR (C = 3)) AND (D = 4)
Change the default operator between conditional formatters.
For example: {'delorean'):and(.speed):ifGT(80):show('TravelInTime'):elseShow('StayHere')}
means "if ( ( equals 'delorean') AND d.speed is greater than 80 ), then it prints 'TravelInTime', otherwise
it prints 'StayHere'
Params | Description | Type |
value | [optional] new value to test | Mixed |
OR is the default operator between conditional formatters.
For example: {'delorean'):or(.speed):ifGT(80):show('TravelInTime'):elseShow('StayHere')}
means "if ( ( equals 'delorean') OR d.speed is greater than 80), then it prints 'TravelInTime', otherwise
it prints 'StayHere'
Params | Description | Type |
value | [optional] new value to test | Mixed |
Matches empty values, string, arrays or objects (null, undefined, [], {}, ...), it replaces ifEmpty
null:ifEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
[]:ifEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
{}:ifEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'':ifEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
0:ifEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'homer':ifEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
[23]:ifEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
{'id':3}:ifEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
Matches not empty values, string, arrays or objects.
0:ifNEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'homer':ifNEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
[23]:ifNEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
{'id':3}:ifNEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
null:ifNEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
[]:ifNEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
{}:ifNEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'':ifNEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
Matches all values that are equal to a specified value. It can be combined with other formatters to create conditional content. It returns the initial marker. The state of the condition is not returned.
Params | Description | Type |
value | value to test | String, Integer |
100:ifEQ(100):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
100:ifEQ(101):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'homer':ifEQ('homer'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'homer':ifEQ('bart'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'':ifEQ(''):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
null:ifEQ(100):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
null:ifEQ(null):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
0:ifEQ(100):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
Matches all values that are not equal to a specified value. It can be combined with other formatters to create conditional content. It returns the initial marker. The state of the condition is not returned.
Params | Description | Type |
value | value to test | String, Integer |
100:ifNE(100):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
100:ifNE(101):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'homer':ifNE('homer'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'homer':ifNE('bart'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'':ifNE(''):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
null:ifNE(100):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
null:ifNE(null):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
0:ifNE(100):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
Matches values that are greater than a specified value.
Params | Description | Type |
value | value to test | Integer |
1234:ifGT(1):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'50':ifGT('-29'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'32q':ifGT('4q2'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'1234Hello':ifGT('1'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'10':ifGT('8Hello1234'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
-23:ifGT(19):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
1:ifGT(768):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
0:ifGT(0):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
-2891:ifGT('33Hello'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
Matches values that are greater than or equal to a specified value.
Params | Description | Type |
value | value to test | Integer |
50:ifGTE(-29):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
1:ifGTE(1):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
1290:ifGTE(768):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'1234':ifGTE('1'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
-23:ifGTE(19):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
1:ifGTE(768):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'1':ifGTE('1234'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
Matches values that are less than a specified value.
Params | Description | Type |
value | value to test | Integer |
-23:ifLT(19):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
1:ifLT(768):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'1':ifLT('1234'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'123dsf':ifLT('103123'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
-1299283:ifLT('-2891feihuwf'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
50:ifLT(-29):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
0:ifLT(0):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
1290:ifLT(768):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'1234':ifLT('1'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
Matches values that are less than or equal to a specified value.
Params | Description | Type |
value | value to test | Integer |
-23:ifLTE(19):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
1:ifLTE(768):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
5:ifLTE(5):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'1':ifLTE('1234'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
1290:ifLTE(768):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'1234':ifLTE('1'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
Matches any of the values specified in an array or string, it replaces ifContain
Params | Description | Type |
value | value to test | Integer |
'car is broken':ifIN('is'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
[1,2,'toto']:ifIN(2):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'car is broken':ifIN('are'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
[1,2,'toto']:ifIN('titi'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
Matches none of the values specified in an array or string.
Params | Description | Type |
value | value to test | Integer |
'car is broken':ifNIN('are'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
[1,2,'toto']:ifNIN('titi'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'car is broken':ifNIN('is'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
[1,2,'toto']:ifNIN(2):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
NEW v4.4.0+
Tests the type of the operand's value.
Params | Description | Type |
type | can be "string", "number", "integer", "boolean", "binary", "object", "array" | String |
0:ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
[23]:ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
{'id':3}:ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
null:ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
[]:ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
{}:ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'10':ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'homer':ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'':ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
true:ifTE('boolean'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
false:ifTE('boolean'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'0':ifTE('boolean'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'false':ifTE('boolean'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'0':ifTE('binary'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'1':ifTE('binary'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
false:ifTE('binary'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'false':ifTE('binary'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
10.5:ifTE('number'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'10.5':ifTE('number'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"