

How to add conditions to your templates?
Carbone Cloud
Carbone On-premise
Embedded Carbone JS


There are 3 methods to write conditions:

Each condition is precede by a formatter that do the logicial test (equal, greater than, ...). Here is the list of all logical operator.

Logicial operators:

Followed by one of these formatters:

No formatters can be chained after drop, keep, hideBegin, hideEnd, showBegin, showEnd.

Basic example

  "val2" : 2,
  "val5" : 5
val2 = {d.val2:ifGT(3):show('high')}val2 = {d.val2:ifGT(3):show('high'):elseShow('low')}val5 = {d.val5:ifGT(3):show('high')}
Carbone Merge Icon
val2 = 2val2 = lowval5 = high

Chain of conditions

If a condition is true, the result isn't passed on to the next conditional formatter (ifEQ, show, elseShow, etc.). The value of show or elseShow is passed directly to the next non-conditional formatter (formatN, formatD, etc.)

To clearly see how this works, let's explore how to write a switch-case condition.

Multiple variables

It is possible to test multiple variables with logical operators and and or:

  "val2" : 2,
  "val5" : 5
and = {d.val2:ifEQ(1):and(.val5):ifEQ(5):show(OK):elseShow(KO)}or = {d.val2:ifEQ(1):or(.val5):ifEQ(5):show(OK):elseShow(KO)}
Carbone Merge Icon
and = KOor = OK

The parentheses/priority between logical operators are based on the position of the formatter. Here is the internal representation of the condition for a given Carbone tag:


is equivalent to this:

(((A = 1) AND (B = 2)) OR (C = 3)) AND (D = 4)



Change the default operator between conditional formatters.

For example: {'delorean'):and(.speed):ifGT(80):show('TravelInTime'):elseShow('StayHere')}
means "if ( ( equals 'delorean') AND d.speed is greater than 80 ), then it prints 'TravelInTime', otherwise
it prints 'StayHere'

Params Description Type
value [optional] new value to test Mixed



OR is the default operator between conditional formatters.

For example: {'delorean'):or(.speed):ifGT(80):show('TravelInTime'):elseShow('StayHere')}
means "if ( ( equals 'delorean') OR d.speed is greater than 80), then it prints 'TravelInTime', otherwise
it prints 'StayHere'

Params Description Type
value [optional] new value to test Mixed



Matches empty values, string, arrays or objects (null, undefined, [], {}, ...), it replaces ifEmpty.


null:ifEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
[]:ifEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
{}:ifEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'':ifEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
0:ifEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'homer':ifEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
[23]:ifEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
{'id':3}:ifEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"



Matches not empty values, string, arrays or objects.


0:ifNEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'homer':ifNEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
[23]:ifNEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
{'id':3}:ifNEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
null:ifNEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
[]:ifNEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
{}:ifNEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'':ifNEM():show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"



Matches all values that are equal to a specified value. It can be combined with other formatters to create conditional content. It returns the initial marker. The state of the condition is not returned.

Params Description Type
value value to test String, Integer


100:ifEQ(100):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
100:ifEQ(101):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'homer':ifEQ('homer'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'homer':ifEQ('bart'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'':ifEQ(''):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
null:ifEQ(100):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
null:ifEQ(null):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
0:ifEQ(100):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"



Matches all values that are not equal to a specified value. It can be combined with other formatters to create conditional content. It returns the initial marker. The state of the condition is not returned.

Params Description Type
value value to test String, Integer


100:ifNE(100):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
100:ifNE(101):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'homer':ifNE('homer'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'homer':ifNE('bart'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'':ifNE(''):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
null:ifNE(100):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
null:ifNE(null):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
0:ifNE(100):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"



Matches values that are greater than a specified value.

Params Description Type
value value to test Integer


1234:ifGT(1):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'50':ifGT('-29'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'32q':ifGT('4q2'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'1234Hello':ifGT('1'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'10':ifGT('8Hello1234'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
-23:ifGT(19):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
1:ifGT(768):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
0:ifGT(0):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
-2891:ifGT('33Hello'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"



Matches values that are greater than or equal to a specified value.

Params Description Type
value value to test Integer


50:ifGTE(-29):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
1:ifGTE(1):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
1290:ifGTE(768):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'1234':ifGTE('1'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
-23:ifGTE(19):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
1:ifGTE(768):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'1':ifGTE('1234'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"



Matches values that are less than a specified value.

Params Description Type
value value to test Integer


-23:ifLT(19):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
1:ifLT(768):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'1':ifLT('1234'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'123dsf':ifLT('103123'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
-1299283:ifLT('-2891feihuwf'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
50:ifLT(-29):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
0:ifLT(0):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
1290:ifLT(768):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'1234':ifLT('1'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"



Matches values that are less than or equal to a specified value.

Params Description Type
value value to test Integer


-23:ifLTE(19):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
1:ifLTE(768):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
5:ifLTE(5):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'1':ifLTE('1234'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
1290:ifLTE(768):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'1234':ifLTE('1'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"



Matches any of the values specified in an array or string, it replaces ifContain.

Params Description Type
value value to test Integer


'car is broken':ifIN('is'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
[1,2,'toto']:ifIN(2):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'car is broken':ifIN('are'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
[1,2,'toto']:ifIN('titi'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"



Matches none of the values specified in an array or string.

Params Description Type
value value to test Integer


'car is broken':ifNIN('are'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
[1,2,'toto']:ifNIN('titi'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'car is broken':ifNIN('is'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
[1,2,'toto']:ifNIN(2):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"


NEW v4.4.0+

Tests the type of the operand's value.

Params Description Type
type can be "string", "number", "integer", "boolean", "binary", "object", "array" String


0:ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
[23]:ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
{'id':3}:ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
null:ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
[]:ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
{}:ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'10':ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'homer':ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'':ifTE('string'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
true:ifTE('boolean'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
false:ifTE('boolean'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'0':ifTE('boolean'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'false':ifTE('boolean'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"
'0':ifTE('binary'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'1':ifTE('binary'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
false:ifTE('binary'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'false':ifTE('binary'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
10.5:ifTE('number'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result true"
'10.5':ifTE('number'):show('Result true'):elseShow('Result false') // "Result false"