

How to integrate barcode in your template?
Carbone Cloud
Carbone On-premise
Embedded Carbone JS


Compatible with PDF, ODT, ODS, ODP, ODG, PPTX, XLSX, and DOCX files

Carbone supports 107 barcodes.

There are two ways to insert a barcode:

Both solutions require the :barcode(type) tag in the template. Check the examples below for each method.

Barcodes as image

Generating a barcode as an image follows the same logic as dynamic pictures and involves three steps:

  1. Insert a temporary picture in your template. This will help Carbone determine where to insert the barcode.
  2. Write the Carbone tag (ex. {d.value:barcode(type)}) followed by the barcode formatter in the alternative text, description, or title of the image. Refer to the dynamic pictures documentation for details.
  3. Specify the type of barcode as the first argument of the :barcode formatter. Check the list of supported barcodes. Finally, generate the document, and voilà!

Barcode options are available and can be passed to the :barcode formatter as additional arguments, such as :barcode(type, options1, options2, ...). See the list of barcode options for details.

Supported barcodes

Barcode name Type
EAN-5 (5 digit addon) ean5
EAN-2 (2 digit addon) ean2
EAN-13 ean13
EAN-8 ean8
UPC-A upca
UPC-E upce
ISBN isbn
ISMN ismn
ISSN issn
Code 128 code128
GS1-128 gs1-128
GS1-14 ean14
SSCC-18 sscc18
Code 39 code39
Code 39 Extended code39ext
Italian Pharmacode code32
Pharmazentralnummer (PZN) pzn
Code 93 code93
Code 93 Extended code93ext
Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) interleaved2of5
ITF-14 itf14
Deutsche Post Identcode identcode
Deutsche Post Leitcode leitcode
GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional databaromni
GS1 DataBar Stacked databarstacked
GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional databarstackedomni
GS1 DataBar Truncated databartruncated
GS1 DataBar Limited databarlimited
GS1 DataBar Expanded databarexpanded
GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked databarexpandedstacked
GS1 North American Coupon gs1northamericancoupon
Pharmaceutical Binary Code pharmacode
Two-track Pharmacode pharmacode2
Code 25 code2of5
Industrial 2 of 5 industrial2of5
IATA 2 of 5 iata2of5
Matrix 2 of 5 matrix2of5
COOP 2 of 5 coop2of5
Datalogic 2 of 5 datalogic2of5
Code 11 code11
BC412 bc412
Codabar rationalizedCodabar
USPS Intelligent Mail onecode
Royal Mail 4 State Customer Code royalmail
AusPost 4 State Customer Code auspost
Royal Dutch TPG Post KIX kix
Japan Post 4 State Customer Code japanpost
MSI Modified Plessey msi
Plessey UK plessey
Telepen telepen
Telepen Numeric telepennumeric
PosiCode posicode
Codablock F codablockf
Code 16K code16k
Code 49 code49
Channel Code channelcode
Flattermarken flattermarken
Custom 1D symbology raw
Custom 4 state symbology daft
Miscellaneous symbols symbol
PDF417 pdf417
Compact PDF417 pdf417compact
MicroPDF417 micropdf417
Data Matrix datamatrix
Data Matrix Rectangular datamatrixrectangular
Data Matrix Rectangular Extension datamatrixrectangularextension
Royal Mail Mailmark mailmark
QR Code qrcode
Swiss QR Code swissqrcode
Micro QR Code microqrcode
Rectangular Micro QR Code rectangularmicroqrcode
MaxiCode maxicode
Aztec Code azteccode
Compact Aztec Code azteccodecompact
Aztec Runes aztecrune
Code One codeone
Han Xin Code hanxin
DotCode dotcode
Ultracode ultracode
GS1 Composite 2D Component gs1-cc
EAN-13 Composite ean13composite
EAN-8 Composite ean8composite
UPC-A Composite upcacomposite
UPC-E Composite upcecomposite
GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional Composite databaromnicomposite
GS1 DataBar Stacked Composite databarstackedcomposite
GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional Composite databarstackedomnicomposite
GS1 DataBar Truncated Composite databartruncatedcomposite
GS1 DataBar Limited Composite databarlimitedcomposite
GS1 DataBar Expanded Composite databarexpandedcomposite
GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked Composite databarexpandedstackedcomposite
GS1-128 Composite gs1-128composite
GS1 Data Matrix gs1datamatrix
GS1 Data Matrix Rectangular gs1datamatrixrectangular
GS1 QR Code gs1qrcode
GS1 DotCode gs1dotcode
HIBC Code 39 hibccode39
HIBC Code 128 hibccode128
HIBC Data Matrix hibcdatamatrix
HIBC Data Matrix Rectangular hibcdatamatrixrectangular
HIBC PDF417 hibcpdf417
HIBC MicroPDF417 hibcmicropdf417
HIBC QR Code hibcqrcode
HIBC Codablock F hibccodablockf
HIBC Aztec Code hibcazteccode

Barcodes options

Option must be passed as a second argument in any order, and must keep the format "optionName:value", such as: {d.number:barcode(qrcode, width:300, height:100, includetext:false, scale:1)}.

Option name Type Description
svg boolean Generate SVG images (no pixels)
Example: {d.number:barcode(qrcode, svg:true)}
width integer Width of the barcode in millimeters.
Example: {d.number:barcode(qrcode, width:300)}
Can be combined with :imageFit, e.g., {d.number:barcode(qrcode, width:300):imageFit(contain)}
height integer Height of the barcode in millimeters.
Example: {d.number:barcode(qrcode, height:10)}
scale integer Barcode quality (1-10). Multiplies width and height for higher resolution.
Example: {d.number:barcode(qrcode, scale:3)}
includetext boolean Display the text (true/false).
Example: {d.number:barcode(qrcode, includetext:false)}
textsize integer Size of the text.
Example: {d.number:barcode(qrcode, textsize:20)}
textxalign string Horizontal alignment of text: left, center, right, or justify (default: center).
Example: {d.number:barcode(qrcode, textxalign:right)}
textyalign string Vertical alignment of text: below, center, or above (default: below).
Example: {d.number:barcode(qrcode, textyalign:above)}
rotate string Rotate the barcode/text: N (no rotation), R (90° right), L (90° left), I (180°).
Example: {d.number:barcode(qrcode, rotate:R)}
barcolor string Color of the bars in hexadecimal #RRGGBB.
Example: {d.number:barcode(qrcode, barcolor:#1FDE25)}
textcolor string Color of the text in hexadecimal #RRGGBB.
Example: {d.number:barcode(qrcode, textcolor:#1FDE25)}
backgroundcolor string Background color in hexadecimal #RRGGBB.
Example: {d.number:barcode(qrcode, backgroundcolor:#1FDE25)}
eclevel string Error correction level for QR codes: L (Low), M (Medium, default), Q (Quality), H (High).
Example: {d.number:barcode(qrcode, eclevel:Q)}

DOCX barcode Example

This example demonstrates how to insert three barcodes as images: ean13, qrcode, and gs1. First, retrieve your barcode data as JSON from your database.


  "urlQrCode"           : "",
  "productCodeBarEan13" : "2112345678900",
  "productGs1"          : "(01)95012345678903(3103)000123"


Edit your template with your text editor, insert three temporary images, and for each image, add the corresponding Carbone tags as alternative text:

To scale the barcode, you can chain the :imageFit formatter, like this: {d.urlQrCode:barcode(qrcode):imageFit(contain)}.

Click to learn more about the imageFit formatter.

Barcode template


Barcode result

Barcodes as font

We recommend using the Barcodes as Image solution instead of this older font method.

Using fonts, only 4 barcodes are supported: ean8, ean13, ean128, and code39. You need to install specific fonts to use the barcode formatter:

Thanks to for providing the fonts.

Barcodes as font example

Here’s an example of generating 4 types of barcodes in an ODT document. This method also works with DOCX, XLSX, ODS, and other supported document formats.


  "productValueEan13"  : "8056459824973",
  "productValueEan8"   : "35967101",
  "productValueCode39" : "GSJ-220097",
  "productValueCode128": "0312345600001"


First, insert the following tags and formatters into your template:

{ d.productValueEan13:barcode(ean13) }
{ d.productValueEan8:barcode(ean8) }
{ d.productValueCode39:barcode(code39) }
{ d.productValueCode128:barcode(ean128) }

Next, apply the barcode FONT to the FIRST curly bracket (download links are provided above). Here’s the template before rendering:

Barcode format


Barcode format Result