
Date Formatting

List of function to manipulate and transform your JSON dates
Carbone Cloud
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Embedded Carbone JS

:formatD(patternOut, patternIn)

UPDATED v3.0.0+

Format dates.

It takes an output date pattern as an argument. Date patterns are available in this section.
It is possible to change the timezone through the option options.timezone and the lang through options.lang.
List of timezones:

Params Description Type
patternOut output format String
patternIn input format, "ISO 8601" by default String


// With API options: {
//   "lang": "en-us",
//   "timezone": "Europe/Paris"
// }
'20160131':formatD('L') // "01/31/2016"
'20160131':formatD('LL') // "January 31, 2016"
'20160131':formatD('LLLL') // "Sunday, January 31, 2016 12:00 AM"
'20160131':formatD('dddd') // "Sunday"
// With API options: {
//   "lang": "fr",
//   "timezone": "Europe/Paris"
// }
'2017-05-10T15:57:23.769561+03:00':formatD('LLLL') // "mercredi 10 mai 2017 14:57"
'2017-05-10 15:57:23.769561+03:00':formatD('LLLL') // "mercredi 10 mai 2017 14:57"
'20160131':formatD('LLLL') // "dimanche 31 janvier 2016 00:00"
'20160131':formatD('dddd') // "dimanche"
// With API options: {
//   "lang": "fr",
//   "timezone": "Europe/Paris"
// }
'20160131':formatD('dddd', 'YYYYMMDD') // "dimanche"
1410715640:formatD('LLLL', 'X') // "dimanche 14 septembre 2014 19:27"
// With API options: {
//   "lang": "fr",
//   "timezone": "Asia/Singapore"
// }
'20160131':formatD('dddd', 'YYYYMMDD') // "dimanche"
1410715640:formatD('LLLL', 'X') // "lundi 15 septembre 2014 01:27"

:addD(amount, unit, patternIn)


Add a time to a date. Available units: day, week, month, quarter, year, hour, minute, second and millisecond.
Units are case insensitive, and support plural and short forms.

Params Description Type
amount The amount Number
unit The unit String
patternIn [optional] input format, ISO8601 by default String


// With API options: {
//   "lang": "fr",
//   "timezone": "Europe/Paris"
// }
'2017-05-10T15:57:23.769561+03:00':addD('3', 'day') // "2017-05-13T12:57:23.769Z"
'2017-05-10 15:57:23.769561+03:00':addD('3', 'month') // "2017-08-10T12:57:23.769Z"
'20160131':addD('3', 'day') // "2016-02-03T00:00:00.000Z"
'20160131':addD('3', 'month') // "2016-04-30T00:00:00.000Z"
'31-2016-01':addD('3', 'month', 'DD-YYYY-MM') // "2016-04-30T00:00:00.000Z"

:subD(amount, unit, patternIn)


Subtract a time to a date. Available units: day, week, month, quarter, year, hour, minute, second and millisecond.
Units are case insensitive, and support plural and short forms.

Params Description Type
amount The amount Number
unit The unit String
patternIn [optional] input format, ISO8601 by default String


// With API options: {
//   "lang": "fr",
//   "timezone": "Europe/Paris"
// }
'2017-05-10T15:57:23.769561+03:00':subD('3', 'day') // "2017-05-07T12:57:23.769Z"
'2017-05-10 15:57:23.769561+03:00':subD('3', 'month') // "2017-02-10T12:57:23.769Z"
'20160131':subD('3', 'day') // "2016-01-28T00:00:00.000Z"
'20160131':subD('3', 'month') // "2015-10-31T00:00:00.000Z"
'31-2016-01':subD('3', 'month', 'DD-YYYY-MM') // "2015-10-31T00:00:00.000Z"

:startOfD(unit, patternIn)


Create a date and set it to the start of a unit of time.

Params Description Type
unit The unit String
patternIn [optional] input format, ISO8601 by default String


// With API options: {
//   "lang": "fr",
//   "timezone": "Europe/Paris"
// }
'2017-05-10T15:57:23.769561+03:00':startOfD('day') // "2017-05-10T00:00:00.000Z"
'2017-05-10 15:57:23.769561+03:00':startOfD('month') // "2017-05-01T00:00:00.000Z"
'20160131':startOfD('day') // "2016-01-31T00:00:00.000Z"
'20160131':startOfD('month') // "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
'31-2016-01':startOfD('month', 'DD-YYYY-MM') // "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"

:endOfD(unit, patternIn)


Create a date and set it to the end of a unit of time.

Params Description Type
unit The unit String
patternIn [optional] input format, ISO8601 by default String


// With API options: {
//   "lang": "fr",
//   "timezone": "Europe/Paris"
// }
'2017-05-10T15:57:23.769561+03:00':endOfD('day') // "2017-05-10T23:59:59.999Z"
'2017-05-10 15:57:23.769561+03:00':endOfD('month') // "2017-05-31T23:59:59.999Z"
'20160131':endOfD('day') // "2016-01-31T23:59:59.999Z"
'20160131':endOfD('month') // "2016-01-31T23:59:59.999Z"
'31-2016-01':endOfD('month', 'DD-YYYY-MM') // "2016-01-31T23:59:59.999Z"

:diffD(toDate, unit, patternFromDate, patternToDate)


Compute the difference between two dates and get an interval. List of available output units for the interval:

Params Description Type
toDate to date String, Number
unit The output unit: day, week, ... see the list above. Milliseconds by default. String
patternFromDate [optional] The pattern of fromDate, ISO8601 by default String
patternToDate [optional] The pattern of toDate, ISO8601 by default String


'20101001':diffD('20101201') // 5270400000
'20101001':diffD('20101201', 'second') // 5270400
'20101001':diffD('20101201', 's') // 5270400
'20101001':diffD('20101201', 'm') // 87840
'20101001':diffD('20101201', 'h') // 1464
'20101001':diffD('20101201', 'weeks') // 8
'20101001':diffD('20101201', 'days') // 61
'2010+10+01':diffD('2010=12=01', 'ms', 'YYYY+MM+DD', 'YYYY=MM=DD') // 5270400000

:convDate(patternIn, patternOut)


Format dates

Params Description Type
patternIn input format String
patternOut output format String


// With API options: {
//   "lang": "en",
//   "timezone": "Europe/Paris"
// }
'20160131':convDate('YYYYMMDD', 'L') // "01/31/2016"
'20160131':convDate('YYYYMMDD', 'LL') // "January 31, 2016"
'20160131':convDate('YYYYMMDD', 'LLLL') // "Sunday, January 31, 2016 12:00 AM"
'20160131':convDate('YYYYMMDD', 'dddd') // "Sunday"
1410715640:convDate('X', 'LLLL') // "Sunday, September 14, 2014 7:27 PM"
// With API options: {
//   "lang": "fr",
//   "timezone": "Europe/Paris"
// }
'20160131':convDate('YYYYMMDD', 'LLLL') // "dimanche 31 janvier 2016 00:00"
'20160131':convDate('YYYYMMDD', 'dddd') // "dimanche"

Date formats

UPDATED v3.0.0+

Format Output Description
X 1360013296 Unix Timestamp
x 1360013296123 Unix Millisecond Timestamp
YY 18 Two-digit year
YYYY 2018 Four-digit year
M 1-12 The month, beginning at 1
MM 01-12 The month, 2-digits
MMM Jan-Dec The abbreviated month name
MMMM January-December The full month name
D 1-31 The day of the month
DD 01-31 The day of the month, 2-digits
d 0-6 The day of the week, with Sunday as 0
dd Su-Sa The min name of the day of the week
ddd Sun-Sat The short name of the day of the week
dddd Sunday-Saturday The name of the day of the week
H 0-23 The hour
HH 00-23 The hour, 2-digits
h 1-12 The hour, 12-hour clock
hh 01-12 The hour, 12-hour clock, 2-digits
m 0-59 The minute
mm 00-59 The minute, 2-digits
s 0-59 The second
ss 00-59 The second, 2-digits
SSS 000-999 The millisecond, 3-digits
Z +05:00 The offset from UTC, ±HH:mm
ZZ +0500 The offset from UTC, ±HHmm
a am pm
Q 1-4 Quarter
Do 1st 2nd ... 31st Day of Month with ordinal
k 1-24 The hour, beginning at 1
kk 01-24 The hour, 2-digits, beginning at 1
w 1 2 ... 52 53 Week of year
ww 01 02 ... 52 53 Week of year, 2-digits
W 1 2 ... 52 53 ISO Week of year
WW 01 02 ... 52 53 ISO Week of year, 2-digits
wo 1st 2nd ... 52nd 53rd Week of year with ordinal
gggg 2017 Week Year
GGGG 2017 ISO Week Year
z EST Abbreviated named offset
zzz Eastern Standard Time Unabbreviated named offset

List of localized formats

Because preferred formatting differs based on language, there are a few tokens that can be used to format a date based on report language.

There are upper and lower case variations on the same formats. The lowercase version is intended to be the shortened version of its uppercase counterpart.

Format English Locale Sample Output
LT h:mm A 8:02 PM
LTS h:mm:ss A 8:02:18 PM
L MM/DD/YYYY 08/16/2018
LL MMMM D, YYYY August 16, 2018
LLL MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A August 16, 2018 8:02 PM
LLLL dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A Thursday, August 16, 2018 8:02 PM
l M/D/YYYY 8/16/2018
ll MMM D, YYYY Aug 16, 2018
lll MMM D, YYYY h:mm A Aug 16, 2018 8:02 PM
llll ddd, MMM D, YYYY h:mm A Thu, Aug 16, 2018 8:02 PM

Source: DayJS