
Text Formatting

List of function to manipulate and transform your JSON strings
Carbone Cloud
Carbone On-premise
Embedded Carbone JS



Lower case all letters


'My Car':lowerCase() // "my car"
'my car':lowerCase() // "my car"
null:lowerCase() // null
1203:lowerCase() // 1203



Upper case all letters


'My Car':upperCase() // "MY CAR"
'my car':upperCase() // "MY CAR"
null:upperCase() // null
1203:upperCase() // 1203



Upper case first letter


'My Car':ucFirst() // "My Car"
'my car':ucFirst() // "My car"
null:ucFirst() // null
undefined:ucFirst() // undefined
1203:ucFirst() // 1203



Upper case the first letter of all words


'my car':ucWords() // "My Car"
'My cAR':ucWords() // "My CAR"
null:ucWords() // null
undefined:ucWords() // undefined
1203:ucWords() // 1203


Always return the same message if called (sort of "catch all" formatter)

Params Description Type
message text to print String


'My Car':print('hello!') // "hello!"
'my car':print('hello!') // "hello!"
null:print('hello!') // "hello!"
1203:print('hello!') // "hello!"



Stringify the object/array


[{'id':2,'name':'homer'},{'id':3,'name':'bart'}]:printJSON() // "[\n  {\"id\": 2, \"name\": \"homer\"},\n  {\"id\": 3, \"name\": \"bart\"}\n]"
'my car':printJSON() // "\"my car\""



Removes accents from text


'crème brulée':unaccent() // "creme brulee"
'être':unaccent() // "etre"
'éùïêèà':unaccent() // "euieea"



It renders carriage return \r\n and line feed \n into documents instead of printing them as a string.
Importante notes:


// With API options: {
//   "extension": "odt"
// }
'my blue \n car':convCRLF() // "my blue <text:line-break/> car"
'my blue \r\n car':convCRLF() // "my blue <text:line-break/> car"
// With API options: {
//   "extension": "docx"
// }
'my blue \n car':convCRLF() // "my blue </w:t><w:br/><w:t> car"
'my blue \r\n car':convCRLF() // "my blue </w:t><w:br/><w:t> car"

:substr(begin, end, wordMode)

NEW v4.18.0+

Slice a string with a begin and an end.

Params Description Type
begin Zero-based Index at which to begin extraction. Integer
end [optional] Zero-based index before which to end extraction Integer
wordMode [optional] If true, it never cuts words. In such a case:
- end must be greater than begin and negative values cannot be used. end - begin = maximum number of characters per line of text
- A word can only be truncated only if it does not fit in the line.
In this case, the word always starts at the beginning of a new line, just like in Word or LibreOffice
- The same line width (end - begin) must be used between successive calls of substr to print all the words of the text (no gaps). Ex:
{d.text(0 , 50 , true)} -> line 1 of 50 characters
{d.text(50 , 100, true)} -> line 2 of 50 characters
{d.text(100, 150, true)} -> line 3 of 50 characters
{d.text(150, 200, last)} -> line 4 of infinite characters
- last can be used instead of true to print the rest of the text, even if it is longer than the defined line width


'foobar':substr(0, 3) // "foo"
'foobar':substr(1) // "oobar"
'foobar':substr(-2) // "ar"
'foobar':substr(2, -1) // "oba"
'abcd efg hijklm':substr(0, 11, true) // "abcd efg "
'abcd efg hijklm':substr(1, 11, true) // "abcd efg "


NEW v4.12.0+

Split a string using a delimiter

It can be used with arrayJoin('', 1, 2) to select one specific item of the generated array

Params Description Type
delimiter The delimiter String


'abcdefc12':split('c') // ["ab","def","12"]
1222.1:split('.') // ["1222","1"]
'ab/cd/ef':split('/') // ["ab","cd","ef"]

:padl(targetLength, padString)

NEW v3.0.0+

Pad the string from the start with another string

Params Description Type
targetLength The length of the resulting string once the string has been padded. If the value is less than string length, then string is returned as-is. number
padString The string to pad the current str with. If padString is too long to stay within the targetLength, it will be truncated from the end. The default value is " " String


'abc':padl(10) // "       abc"
'abc':padl(10, 'foo') // "foofoofabc"
'abc':padl(6, '123465') // "123abc"
'abc':padl(8, '0') // "00000abc"
'abc':padl(1) // "abc"

:padr(targetLength, padString)

NEW v3.0.0+

Pad the string from the end with another string

Params Description Type
targetLength The length of the resulting string once the string has been padded. If the value is less than string length, then string is returned as-is. number
padString The string to pad the current str with. If padString is too long to stay within the targetLength, it will be truncated from the end. The default value is " " String


'abc':padr(10) // "abc       "
'abc':padr(10, 'foo') // "abcfoofoof"
'abc':padr(6, '123465') // "abc123"
'abc':padr(8, '0') // "abc00000"
'abc':padr(1) // "abc"


NEW v4.12.0+

Add "..." if the text is too long

Params Description Type
maximum number of characters to print. Integer


'abcdef':ellipsis(3) // "abc..."
'abcdef':ellipsis(6) // "abcdef"
'abcdef':ellipsis(10) // "abcdef"


NEW v4.12.0+

add a prefix to a text

Params Description Type
textToPrepend text to prepend string


'abcdef':prepend('123') // "123abcdef"


NEW v4.12.0+

Add a suffix to a text

Params Description Type
textToAppend text to append string


'abcdef':append('123') // "abcdef123"

:replace(oldText, newText)

NEW v4.12.0+

Replace a text based on a pattern

All matches of the pattern (first argument: oldText) is replaced by the replacement string (second argument: newText).
The pattern can only be a string.

Params Description Type
oldText old text to replace string
newText new text string


'abcdef abcde':replace('cd', 'OK') // "abOKef abOKe"
'abcdef abcde':replace('cd') // "abef abe"
'abcdef abcde':replace('cd', null) // "abef abe"
'abcdef abcde':replace('cd', 1000) // "ab1000ef ab1000e"



Returns the length of a string or array.


'Hello World':len() // 11
'':len() // 0
[1,2,3,4,5]:len() // 5
[1,'Hello']:len() // 2



Translate the text using the translation dictionnary



Preserve character reference

By default, Carbone removes all forbidden characters before injecting data into XML (e.g., &, >, <, �, ...).
As a result, an injected character reference such as &#xa7; ( = § ) would be transformed into &amp;#xa7; in XML.
This formatter prevents that transformation, preserving the character reference.

This function is useful for specific XML generation scenarios where the direct character cannot be used (e.g., non-UTF-8 charset),
and the character reference must be retained.

It accepts numeric (e.g., &#100;) and hexadecimal formats (e.g., &#xa10ef;), in either lower or upper case.